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High School


















Important note: Credit requirements for your child(ren) should be continually monitored with your umbrella school.

NSCA is not responsible for ensuring your child(ren) take the courses required to obtain their High School Diploma.


9th – 12th Grade Electives
(All electives offered subject to adequate enrollment)
Full year classes (1 credit) NOTE: these classes may not be dropped/switched mid-year:

  • Art 1 Foundations of Design

  • Art 2 Visual Art and Art Theory 

  • Math:

    • Algebra 1

    • Geometry

    • Algebra 2

    • Trigonometry

  • Spanish 1

  • Spanish 2 (Spanish 1 or equivalent is prerequisite; may not be joined mid-year without instructor approval)

  • Spanish 3 (Spanish 2 or equivalent is prerequisite; may not be joined mid-year without instructor approval)

  • Study Hall

  • Yearbook

Half year (1 semester/0.5 credit) classes:
(If two classes are not chosen, student will be enrolled in Study Hall for the other semester)

  • Critical Thinking/ACT Prep

  • Personal Finance

  • Media + Communications 1 (Intro to Photography / Intro to Videography)

  • Media + Communications 2 (Intro to Graphics / Intro to Computer Programming)

  • FACS Family + Consumer Science

  • FAC Family Studies


Electives available 2023-24:

  • F.O.R.M. (Functional Fitness, Optimal Nourishment, Rest & Recovery, Multiplied Maintenance)
    â—‹ Turnkey, interactive, self-paced curriculum that covers both the Health & Wellness +
       Physical Education credits = 1 1⁄2 credits. Developed by Pastor Joel Evrist & Ashton Tate


Dual Enrollment:

Enrolled juniors are required to take Bible and one other core class at NSCA. Enrolled seniors are required to take Bible, Senior Leadership, and one other core class at NSCA. Exceptions to this policy will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


Note: Students are required to complete the previous course before enrolling in the next.


* Study Hall is available to those students wishing to have time on-site to work on homework or get a little extra help from
the supervising tutor.


Our High School program is offered on Wednesday/Friday, and students are in classes from 8:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. or 3:45 p.m., depending on chosen electives. Students are required to take the Core Subjects plus one elective (all electives offered are based on enrollment and interest). While students are with us, they will gain confidence through lab work, group activities, and lecture/note-taking that will build skills to prepare them for college and beyond! As a general rule, students should plan on spending about one-and-a-half hours per subject on their home days to complete NSCA work. 


In addition to regular classes, we ask students to volunteer at local ministries at least twice per semester. We also offer monthly social gatherings for our high school students, including pajama game night, mystery dinner theater, rock climbing, and lots more!


Our desire is to foster an environment where students become life-long learners with a holistic Christian worldview that will prepare them well for adulthood. We are committed to partnering with parents as they impart to their children strong Christian values, a heart to serve locally and globally and a desire to walk rightly in godly friendships.


For more information please contact us at


Click HERE for our Application

Click HERE for our Handbook


9th Grade Core Classes:

Science: Biology
English: English 1 (General Literature)
History: World Geography

10th Grade Core Classes:

Science: Chemistry
English: English 2 (British Literature)
History: World History

11th Grade Core Classes*

Science: Biology 2/Anatomy or Physics
English: English 3 (American Literature)
History: US History

12th Grade Core Classes*

English: English 4 (Literature + Real World Writing)
History: Economics/Government


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